Welcome: IC ,Electronic components, sensors, integrated circuits, military chips, IC, XILINX, ACREL, AD, TI, LINE AR, IR, CCD, CMOS, VPT, VICOR,FPGA,欧盛电子,电子元器件


We have served many large Chinese research institutes, military enterprises, science and technology institutes, etc

We have served many large Chinese research institutes, military enterprises, science and technology institutes, etc

We have a large number of products in stock, have long-term cooperation with major electronic component manufacturers, and the supply chain is very perfect.

We have a large number of products in stock, have long-term cooperation with major electronic component manufacturers, and the supply chain is very perfect.

The company has a large number of professional and technical personnel to ensure more professional consulting services and provide professional advice at any time.

The company has a large number of professional and technical personnel to ensure more professional consulting services and provide professional advice at any time.

We have our own processing center, which can provide non-standard products and services.

We have our own processing center, which can provide non-standard products and services.


Shaanxi Ou Sheng Technology Co.,Ltd located in Xi'an Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, is a company integrating technology development, technical support and acting as the agent of world-famous brand semiconductors. The company is specialized in the import and export of military electronic components and military materials from all over the world, mainly providing military, aerospace and industrial products, and its application fields include satellites, missiles, aircraft, ships, weapons, radar and navigation In the fields of satellite positioning, electronic warfare and other fields, Ousheng Electronics has established a strong sales team through continuous development and expansion, and its customer groups are all over the country. ...
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Korean scientific research team develops a new generation of semiconductor gas sensors

Korean scientific research team develops a new generation of semiconductor gas sensors


Korean scientific research team develops a new generation of semiconductor gas sensors

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Four channel DVI image recording board

Four channel DVI image recording board


Four channel DVI image recording board

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The company focuses on the research

The company focuses on the research


The company focuses on the research and development and production of electronic component level products, as well as the design and integration of equipment le

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Our products are sold all over the world and have won the trust and support of thousands of customers. We will continue to develop and maintain more quality customers and provide professional and professional product service support.



Contact: Mr. Zhang

Phone: +8618291999556

Tel: +8618291999556

Whatsapp: +8618291999556

Email: hkousheng@hotmail.com

Add: No. 20, Fenghui South Road, Gaoxin District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China

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