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Invida: Next year BYD multi series models will apply Orin chips

On March 21, the artificial intelligence computing company NVIDIA announced that it would strengthen its partnership with BYD and expand the use of the centralized computing platform NVIDIA DRIVE Orin in 2024, including multiple models in the next-generation dynasty and ocean series.

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Multiple models of BYD applying the DRIVE Orin platform

Both parties stated that the future of automobiles will be programmable, from being based on many embedded controllers to high-performance centralized computers, providing and enhancing functionality through software updates throughout the life of the automobile. DRIVE Orin's computing power is crucial for diverse, redundant sensor real-time processing, and provides automotive manufacturers with the computing space to develop and support new software driven services throughout the entire vehicle life cycle.

"NVIDIA DRIVE Orin has achieved great success in building a future global mobile leader defined by software. The continued collaboration with BYD demonstrates the industry's confidence in DRIVE Orin as the central computing machine for today's and future smart cars," said Rishi Dhall, Vice President of NVIDIA Automotive Business.

NVIDIA DRIVE Orin is NVIDIA's latest generation of intelligent vehicle computing platform, with a computing power of 254 TOPS (capable of executing 254 trillion operations per second), which improves the computing performance of the previous generation Xavier system level chip by 7 times. Since its production last year, DRIVE Orin has been applied to the fields of new energy passenger vehicles, autonomous taxis, and trucks. The scalable DRIVE Orin provides power for intelligent cockpit and autopilot functions, while heavily applying deep neural networks to improve safety and reliability.

Some market participants, including the new energy industry researcher Shu Chang, speculate that the first model to carry the Orin chip is the latest SUV model from BYD's high-end brand Tengshi. Shu Chang said:

1. Nvidia Orin chips will be installed on the next generation BYD's Dynasty series and Ocean Network models as soon as possible;

2. The Tengshi N7 will be the first mass production vehicle equipped with Nvidia Orin chips, and will also be equipped with laser radar. It will be launched in the second quarter of this year. It is expected to enter an intensive product rhythm release period in these two weeks, and you will see more information.

3. Nvidia's intelligent cockpit related GeForce NOW cloud game service plan will also enter BYD's car. In the future, BYD's screen can not only rotate, but also play games, and it can also decouple the steering wheel to play games (this is completely different from Tesla's excellent racing car that cannot decouple).